
The Best Toddler Carseat I Really Want

The Best Toddler Car Seat in My Opinion

There are many car seats to choose from when you are switching baby from their infant seat to a larger model. They all claim to be the best for some reason or another. What I am looking for in my toddler car seat are these things:

Why I Feel Its The Best Toddler Car Seat

  1. A seat that I can keep my son in a rearfacing position until he is a few months older. He is already 25 lbs so I need a maximum capacity rear facing seat.
  2. I also require it to carry a heavier load when front facing, if he continues his rapid growth I have no way of knowing how heavy he might be while still needing a toddler seat. Also, I want to keep my children in a 5 point harness as long as possible. So I need maximum capacity for front facing also.
  3. Affordability. Price must play a part in what I can get, also, unfortunately. But even if it didn't, I feel I would have chosen the seat I did, anyways, as there is no point in spending twice the money on something that does the same quality job.
  4. A light colored (or at least not black) seat covering. I don't want it to get too hot while sitting in the sun in the summer time.
So what toddler car seat have I picked out?

the best toddler carseat
Great Outdoors True Fit Carseat
The True Fit Recline Convertible Carseat from First Years.

I picked out the Great Outdoors one because its the only one that is not black or dark grey. There is a butterfly one that is brown also so I may buy that cover when new baby girl is old enough to use the toddler seat.
The True Fit car seat from First Years combines versatality and affordability. Their average online price including shipping is about $140.

I haven't been able to get it yet, but I am determined that this is the one I will get. Its one of the few things I really need before new baby comes in two months, so when people ask what they should get me or if I need anything, I usually say I would like help with the cost of the new carseat for my son. Its a great way to be able to lower the cost to me and make people feel like they helped out on something important, rather than buying new baby another outfit that she probably won't wear because she has so many already.

Which one did you use or are you using? Do you think I have forgotten to consider anything in my choice of car seat?

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