
Easy Entertainment for Baby- Free Games!

Looking for a way to distract your baby when he or she is a bit fussy? Sometimes when they have an ear infection or diaper rash, only constant attention and distraction will keep them from crying all day. This is enough to drive anyone nuts but we still do it. We feel so bad for our little one that it doesn't matter that we aren't doing anything all day but playing patty cake and singing and bouncing.

Here is a way to give yourself a break, or even if you don't need one, its something you might enjoy introducing your child to. All babies love to pound on the computer keyboard, making it difficult to get anything done while holding them. Now you can let them!

Here are some games that you play by pushing any key, and babies love them. Make sure to have the sound turned on so they can hear what happens as well as see what happens when they touch the keyboard. There is a site that has collected a bunch of the best ones here... Free Online Infant Games

Here are some of my (7 month old) baby's favorites from the Baby Games site:
Fisher Price Peek-A-Boo
KneeBouncers (the free Pop A Lot one especially)

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